Odilon Redon

February 5, 2010 at 9:17 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

Odilon Redon (1840 – 1916) wasn’t really an artist I thought I’d end up liking at first, but his art has definitely grown on me. I also didn’t realise quite how huge his body of work was, because the same images always seem to get reproduced time and again. I now understand why he was one of the leaders of Symbolism. He once said of his work, “My drawings inspire, and are not to be defined. They place us, as does music, in the ambiguous realm of the undetermined.”

the monster

The Monster

Fallen Angel Looking At A Cloud

Fallen Angel Looking At A Cloud

chalice of mystery

Chalice of Mystery

the green death

The Green Death

I still don’t know that he’s a personal favourite, but his work definitely improves on better acquaintance.


  1. melmoth said,

    Some aspects of Redon’s work has a greater appeal for me than others. His more extraordinary works are truly inimitable. Some of his drawings are especially memorable. Huysmans was a fan so there’s a potent recommendation.

    “They place us, as does music, in the ambiguous realm of the undetermined.” – So are we going to look at decadent music soon…

  2. Decadent Handbook said,

    I have been thinking about that actually! I’ve been putting a collection together.

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